Re: [] Fish stew

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From: Kate L Pugh
Subject: Re: [] Fish stew
Date: 09:24 on 14 Oct 2003
On Sat 11 Oct 2003, Robert / Elizabeth Fusina <> wrote:
> Ah, here is recipe that I like, and the kids ate-well, let's just say 
> I didn't have any leftovers...
> Mtuzi Wa Samki (Kenyan Baked Fish with Spicy Sauce)

Thanks!  I made this last night and it was good.

> 4 Halibut steaks (about two pounds) But I used what is available in 
> the local grocery, what I call, generically, white fish.

I used monkfish.

> 1 tsp. seeded and finely chopped jalapeno chili (I used the whole 
> thing, but I like stuff hot.)

I used the whole thing too, and I didn't bother seeding it.

> 16 ounce can tomatoes (hah. Tomatoes in the US come in a 15.5 ounce 
> can) drained and diced-I think I just used fresh tomatoes (ah, I 
> didn't peel them), it was easier than chopping canned tomatoes.

I used already-chopped canned tomatoes.  I didn't drain them.  I think
if you drained them it would turn out too dry.

> In a skillet heat the oil until it is very hot, saute onion, garlic
> and jalapeno until the onion is transparent.

Why the very hot?  The onions browned before they went transparent -
is that what was intended?  It was certainly nice.  And why cook the
garlic for the same length of time as the onion?  If I'd done that it
would have burned.  I put it in later.  You didn't specify what to do
with the garlic, so I sliced it.  It was nice like that.  Oh, and I
used four cloves.

I also made the whole amount of sauce you suggested, but only half the
amount of fish.  doop thought the monkfish was "a bit overpowered" by
the sauce, and that's probably why.

> Pour the sauce over the fish, bake 25 to 30 minutes.

I didn't cover it when I baked it.  Do you usually cover it?

> Serve with rice, couscous, or bulgur wheat.

Rice.  And it was very nice, and easy, and I will make it again.
Maybe I'll put some sliced red bell peppers in the sauce next time.

I'm very interested in the title of the recipe.  I don't know anything
at all about Kenyan food.  Where did the recipe come from, and have
you got any more?


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