Re: [] Mackerel

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From: Simon Batistoni
Subject: Re: [] Mackerel
Date: 14:52 on 23 Dec 2003
On 23/12/03 14:39 +0000, Nigel Rantor wrote:
> Any unorthodox suggestions for cooking mackerel? I was going to go for 
> the rather obvious cook in tinfoil with herds and serve with boiled 
> tatties and fresh spinach because my brane is tired from doing christmas 
> shopping.

I did a very nice haddock fillet with a tomatoey sauce last night.

Just pan-fried the haddock for about 5 minutes turning twice (it said
10 mins on the packet, but the fish was fresh, I quite like it
slightly raw in the middle, and $supermarket are just covering their
arses on "I ate this half-raw and got tuberculosis" suits.)

Meanwhile, I had roughly chopped 2 tomatoes and bunged them in a
saucepan with plenty of chilli oil. Left them to fry for about 3
minutes, then chucked in a couple of teaspoons of mustard and about
1/3 glass of red wine. Stirred it all up and then let it simmer for
about 10 minutes on a fairly high heat to reduce nicely, stirring

It comes out a slightly odd colour (the fault of the wine + mustard)
but was very nice indeed - just slightly spicy, and with the edge
taken off the tomato flavour by the wine.)

I served it with roast garlic/rosemary potatoes (par-boil for 5 mins,
chuck in a dish with garlic oil and/or whole cloves of garlic,
sprinkle on rosemary, chuck in the oven for 15-20 mins on about 180
degrees c).


Not sure if this would work with Mackerel, but I think it has a strong
enough flavour to go nicely with the sauce.

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