[london.food] Roast Pork

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From: Simon Wistow
Subject: [london.food] Roast Pork
Date: 09:37 on 16 Feb 2004
I'm going to cook a roast dinner next saturday for some friends and my 
basic menu was

Mozzarella wrapped in parma ham on a dressed rocket salad

followed by

Roast pork
Red cabbage cooked with apple wedges and calvados
Roast Potatos (obviously)
Cauliflower Cheese (if I can be bothered)

so i thought I ask here for comments. My main problem with roast dinners 
(any large dinners actually) is that I get flustered at the end, stuff 
doesn't arrive together and then I never feel like eating anything.

The advantage of this menu is that the starter and preparation of the
cauliflower cheese (and the boiling of the potatos) can be done in
advance and the cabbage only takes 5 or 10 minutes. Pork comes out to 
sit for 15 or so minutes meanwhile the cauliflower goes into the oven, 
the cabbage gets fried and then the gravy gets made. Simple and, 
hopefully, less total loss of appetite.

So any nifty ideas for roast pork? Good crackling is a must and, for 
some reason, I'm in the mood for stuffing. 


Generated at 12:15 on 16 Feb 2004 by mariachi 0.41