Re: [] Roast Pork

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From: Tom Sulston
Subject: Re: [] Roast Pork
Date: 09:51 on 16 Feb 2004
On Feb 16, 2004, at 09:37, Simon Wistow wrote:

> Roast pork
> Red cabbage cooked with apple wedges and calvados
> Roast Potatos (obviously)
> Cauliflower Cheese (if I can be bothered)

That sounds fantastic!

> The advantage of this menu is that the starter and preparation of the
> cauliflower cheese (and the boiling of the potatos) can be done in
> advance and the cabbage only takes 5 or 10 minutes. Pork comes out to
> sit for 15 or so minutes meanwhile the cauliflower goes into the oven,
> the cabbage gets fried and then the gravy gets made. Simple and,
> hopefully, less total loss of appetite.

Yes. The thing that works for me (although it's a bit sad, really) is 
to write down times for things to go on the heat, so that they all 
arrive at time 0. And then stick the list on a kitchen cupboard. And 
carry a pen, to make any changes as necessary. Also, if you have a 
spare oven, keep that at 50 degrees and bung anything that's done too 
early in there. And your plates, too. Failing that, things like 
cauliflower cheese and the cabbage could be nuked, if they're too early 
and start cooling.

> So any nifty ideas for roast pork? Good crackling is a must and, for
> some reason, I'm in the mood for stuffing.

I like stuffing pork with chorizo and red peppers. But that might just 
be me. To get the cracking really good, use lots of decent flaky salt, 
and score it finely. Cut it off when the meat come out to rest, and 
stick it back in the oven for 15 minutes (or however long) to crisp up.

Tom Sulston
+44 77 99 89 80 44

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