Re: [] Aubergine thing...

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From: Juliet Kemp
Subject: Re: [] Aubergine thing...
Date: 15:05 on 25 May 2004
On Tue, May 25, 2004 at 11:21:18AM +0100, Martin Frost wrote:
> Is it hot-garlicky, or garlic-garlicky?

Garlic-garlicky.  To the extent that your mouth starts to sting/go numb.  

> If it's garlic-garlicky, then you could try a bit more lemon, but I always
> find that garlicky things just get more and more garlicky the longer you
> leave them in the fridge.

Investigation has revealed that in fact, it works OK with sandwiches,
possibly because the bread kind of soaks up some of the garlickyness
(like eating rice with hot food).  I might stick a bit more lemon in, as

> I'm still not convinced that it is possible to have too much garlic in a
> dip. I have been known to add extra raw crushed garlic to shop-bought
> houmous to get an extra garlic kick.

Well, I wouldn't have said that it was possible either, but...  Maybe
they were particularly garlicky garlic cloves, or something. 

> I have a recipe for shish taouk that I've been meaning to make for a while
> that includes a recipe for garlic cream, made by pureeing twelve cloves of
> garlic with salt and then slowly adding olive oil to achieve a sort of
> mayonnaise consistency.



There's stuff above here

Generated at 13:00 on 26 May 2004 by mariachi 0.41