Re: [] Aubergine thing...

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From: Billy Abbott
Subject: Re: [] Aubergine thing...
Date: 15:10 on 25 May 2004
On Tue, 25 May 2004, Martin Frost wrote:

> I have a recipe for shish taouk that I've been meaning to make for a while
> that includes a recipe for garlic cream, made by pureeing twelve cloves of
> garlic with salt and then slowly adding olive oil to achieve a sort of
> mayonnaise consistency.

The force of evil that is delia did a baby version of this on the telly at 
the weekend as a base for salad dressing (with a bit of mustard powder to 
help with emulsification). I tried it and it was rather nice, in a garlicy 
kind of way.


"Prediction is very difficult, especially about the future"
                                               - Niels Bohr
  Billy Abbott                     billy at cowfish dot org dot uk

There's stuff above here

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