Re: [] burgers.

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From: Juliet Kemp
Subject: Re: [] burgers.
Date: 13:01 on 03 Jun 2004
On Thu, Jun 03, 2004 at 12:45:04PM +0100, James Bywater wrote:
> >chives
> mine aren't doing too well

I *thought* mine weren't last year, but this spring they suddenly seemed

> >thyme (2 sorts)
> This isn't doing too well either

Insufficiently sunny position?  

> >summer savoury, sage, rosemary, mint.
> OK, I *want* to grow rosemary and mint, especially. But I couldn't find 
> any seeds.

My rosemary came from a cutting from a plant in my parents' garden.
In general, I believe you're better off with a cutting than seeds for
rosemary - I'm not sure I've ever seen rosemary seeds, in fact.  You can
get small plants at garden centres.  Mine might be big enough to take a
cutting from now, if you like?  

I'm surprised you couldn't find mint seeds.  Try Suttons:
(if that link doesn't work - search their vegetables section for 'mint')

Oh, in fact they have rosemary seeds as well, so you could give that a

> >Veg - courgettes, baby sweetcorn, carrots, onions, rocket (in huge
> >quantities, mmm rocket).
> Hmm... I've only got beetroots and radishes - my garden is just too small...

Ours is pretty tiny - all of the above are growing in pots on the
decking (we rent, and most of the flowerbeds are taken up with shrubs,
so the only real room is on the decking.  Plus it means that if we move
I can take the plants with!).  2 plants of each of the courgettes &
sweetcorn (each plant should produce quite a few veg, according to the
back of the packet, esp if you cut the veg regularly); a 3-foot trough
each of carrots and onions; one huge & one medium pot of rocket.  I'd
have trouble fitting *much* more in.  

> >Fruit - one blackberry cane, 3 raspberry canes, and a wild grape vine
> >(discovered at the bottom of the garden last year).  
> We have a huge plum tree :o) And I am trying some tomatoes outside.

I grew tomatoes last year (thanks to generous plant-donation from
Marna!), but I'm not that keen on them raw, and Pete (who is) didn't
reckon that much to the variety we grew.  I'm sure there are better
varieties, but given that I don't like them and it's me doing the
gardening, I went for other things in the limited space instead :-) 

> It's not hard to see why I like having a garden, and it's nothing to do 
> with lazing around in the sun ;o) Having fresh herbs and veg from your 
> garden somehow makes cooking more satisfying...

Oh, definitely.  I enjoy the process of gardening, as well - there's
something satisfying about seeing the seeds grow into plants, and
looking after them (hippy alert... ;-) ).  I have a strong preference
for edible plants, though - flowers just aren't the same!  


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