Re: [] Steaming vegetables

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From: Marna Gilligan
Subject: Re: [] Steaming vegetables
Date: 12:28 on 17 Aug 2004
On Tue, 17 Aug 2004, Roger Burton West wrote:

> First question: does anyone other than me like broccoli and cauliflower
> and spinach and so on lightly steamed rather than Cooked, or am I just
> perverse?

Less so spinach (I like to fry it briefly in a little butter, and then add
some nutmeg and a tiny bit of cream, and that is delicious). But brocolli
and cauliflower and other such things - definitely. I cannot *stand*
overcooked (or even fully-cooked) veg. Boiling makes things soggier
faster, and I'm sure the water steals half the flavour.

> Second question: does an electric steamer offer any advantages over
> putting them in a closed bowl with a little water, dropping some butter
> on top, and nuking them for a few minutes? (Not that I'm likely to get
> one; I'm just curious.)

I don't have an electric steamer - I have a pan that gets filled with
water, and there are two baskets that fit on top, and then a lid, and it
all sits on the stove. If it's not being a steamer it can double up as a
spare pan, and the baskets can be pressed into service as emergency
colanders because they are all holey at the bottom. 

You can get little fold-out steaming things, that work like, ooh, I need
to draw a diagram - like a little fan that folds out all around, and will
fit a variety of pot sizes, and has a little stand that's about an inch
high to keep it from the bottom of the pan. I had one for years, but it
died a bit back. It's not as good as the proper steaming pan thing,
though, and had a biting-finget habit.

Or you can get bamboo steaming baskets from a chinese food place -
they're cheap and work really well and you can stack them several-high.

I have no clue about microwaving veggies, though. I have not a microwave
and I think they are EFIL. So I've not answered your question at all, and
have just been rambling incoherently about steaming things.


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