[london.food] Microwaves (was Re: Steaming vegetables)

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From: Roger Burton West
Subject: [london.food] Microwaves (was Re: Steaming vegetables)
Date: 12:35 on 17 Aug 2004
On Tue, Aug 17, 2004 at 12:28:38PM +0100, Marna Gilligan wrote:

>I have no clue about microwaving veggies, though. I have not a microwave
>and I think they are EFIL. So I've not answered your question at all, and
>have just been rambling incoherently about steaming things.

Fair enough. You won't want to read this then.

I find it quite odd that most of the information I've found about
microwave cooking assumes that one will be using it for everything. IME
there are jobs it does well and others it does badly; it's great for
reheating a single dish, steaming veg, baking potatoes and so on, but a 
gas hob is much better for general saucepan-work and thawing-to-hot, 
and I still use the oven for things that are best in that. Is the
Cooking Establishment still pretending they don't exist?


There's stuff above here

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