Re: [] Unusual pate recipes

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From: Richard van Oorschot
Subject: Re: [] Unusual pate recipes
Date: 13:34 on 07 Apr 2005
> I had a fantastic mackerel pate a little while back, which was a
> little different.  Basically mashed up mackerel with lashings of black
> pepper and a little creme fresh for moisture I think.  Not really a
> true pate (well, it's a paste, but you know what I mean).  Tasty
> though.  I can try and get the recipe if you're interested.

I have a similar recipe, but I call it a (smoked salmon) mousse. It
comes down to whipping up cream untill it's very thick (just a bit
before it turns to butter). Mash up smoked salmon (cuttings,
leftovers) very finely (use a food processor) and lightly mix the
cream and salmon toghether. Finish off with a good squeeze of lemon
juice to make it taste fresher and add loads and loads of freshly
ground black pepper.

The measures, as always with my recipes, are to taste, but i'd say
volume cream:volume salmon should be about 2:1.


There's stuff above here

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