Re: [] Unusual pate recipes

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From: Billy Abbott
Subject: Re: [] Unusual pate recipes
Date: 10:38 on 07 Apr 2005
On Thu, 7 Apr 2005, Adam Auden wrote:

> On Apr 7, 2005 10:06 AM, Simon Wistow <> wrote:
>> but I'm open to ideas. Layered pork and apple was another one I had.
> I had a fantastic mackerel pate a little while back, which was a
> little different.  Basically mashed up mackerel with lashings of black
> pepper and a little creme fresh for moisture I think.

I had some very similar Tuna Pate at christmas time. I claimed it was posh 
tuna mayo, but got told off. Was still very tasty.


With a pair of gel insoles lodged in my shoes, my feet feel like
they're in two soft buckets of human viscera
  Billy Abbott                     billy at cowfish dot org dot uk

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