Re: [] Squash recipes

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From: Jenny Mather
Subject: Re: [] Squash recipes
Date: 17:22 on 16 Aug 2005
> I've also roasted it and had it as the basis of a curry.
> alex

I use it with chickpeas in a tomatoey curry (unroasted - it kind of half
steams half boils in the sauce) and its very nice (in the winter I add
sweet potatoe too and then not have rice - otherwise you get a huge carb
overload!) QUite a few people on the list have probably had it but prolly
dont remember it, its my standard veg curry alternative .

I also cook pumpkins and butternut squash into soups. lots. on their own
and with other things. its all been good.....apart from that one time when
I used too much coriander and it all turned green hmmmm.


There's stuff above here

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