Re: [] Squash recipes

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From: alex
Subject: Re: [] Squash recipes
Date: 15:04 on 16 Aug 2005
On Tue, 2005-08-16 at 14:48 +0100, Juliet Kemp wrote:
> We have 2 large squashes in the cupboard at the moment, courtesy of the
> organic delivery people (& I strongly suspect another is on its way on
> Thursday.  It's that time of year).  Neither Pete nor I are
> *desperately* keen on it - and badly-cooked squash can be really
> unpleasant.  Anyone got any (vegan) suggestions which use lots of it?

I love squashes.  If you like to make your own pasta, roast it, mash it
and put it in ravioli.  

This is probably my favourite soup:

Substitute pumpkin for your squash (as I think you can do with any
recipe) and milk for soya milk would probably be fine, otherwise cook it
in olive oil or something.  Anyway, squash + sweetcorn is a good
combination if you like things on the sweet side.

I've also roasted it and had it as the basis of a curry.


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