Re: [] Steak Cooking

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From: Rev Simon Rumble
Subject: Re: [] Steak Cooking
Date: 16:13 on 23 Aug 2005
On 23/8/2005, "Nigel Rantor" <> wrote:

>Great, so no moving it around while it's on there then? Just let it sit
>tight until time to turn?

Depends.  If you're using a griddle pan, probably don't move it because
you want those nice marks.  Frypan, doesn't really matter.

>I will be starting with cheapo and work my way prolly
>sainsburglers or some such place will be supplying me until I can cook
>it, then I'll go to my butcher up the road...

No no no.  Buy the best steak you can afford.  Even if it's not quite
right, it'll still be pretty good.  Life's too short for crappy meat
cooked the wrong way.  There's better ways to cook cheap meat.

There's stuff above here

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