Re: [] Steak Cooking

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From: James Bywater
Subject: Re: [] Steak Cooking
Date: 16:13 on 23 Aug 2005
>> Take the steak season with pepper and salt if you like. Throw it  
>> into the pan cook one side for about 1 minute. flip cook the other  
>> side for a minute. your steak is done. prefably served onto a warm  
>> plate so it doesnt lose its heat. This should have seared the  
>> outside and heated the middle and should produce a rare steak.  
>> obvioulsy cook longer if you like it other ways.
> Great, so no moving it around while it's on there then? Just let it  
> sit tight until time to turn?

Right, I think moving it around is a bad idea. If you have a griddle  
pan leave it alone and you'll get nice lines on it :-) I think the  
oil should stop it from sticking. You don't want to rip it apart  
trying to turn it over.

Damn, this conversation is making me hungry.


There's stuff above here

Generated at 00:12 on 25 Aug 2005 by mariachi 0.41