Re: [] Steak Cooking

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From: Nigel Rantor
Subject: Re: [] Steak Cooking
Date: 16:09 on 23 Aug 2005
Bob Walker wrote:
> On Tue, 23 Aug 2005, Nigel Rantor wrote:
>> I love steak. I haven't ever really cooked it though, but I'd like to. 
>> So, what am I going to have o do to get a nicely done steak eh?
> What do you consider nice rare, well done or somewhere in between?

rare. maybe not completely blue, but rare...

> the main thing is heat. lots of it. You want to sear the outside of the 
> steak cause thats where all the nasty stuff possibly is.
> I cook steak by whacking a frying or griddle pan on high heat and wait 
> till its smoking.

Excellent *makes notes*

> Take the steak season with pepper and salt if you like. Throw it into 
> the pan cook one side for about 1 minute. flip cook the other side for a 
> minute. your steak is done. prefably served onto a warm plate so it 
> doesnt lose its heat. This should have seared the outside and heated the 
> middle and should produce a rare steak. obvioulsy cook longer if you 
> like it other ways.

Great, so no moving it around while it's on there then? Just let it sit 
tight until time to turn?

> As for what type of steak. Filet steak is always good. Sirloin is the 
> next best. Rump is fine if you dont want to speand lots of money. I 
> prefer my steaks about an inch thick so you get lots of rare flesh.
>  one day I  want to  try a kobe beef steak. which is supposedly the best.

I will be starting with cheapo and work my way prolly 
sainsburglers or some such place will be supplying me until I can cook 
it, then I'll go to my butcher up the road...

There's stuff above here

Generated at 00:12 on 25 Aug 2005 by mariachi 0.41