Re: [] Cooking Hacks

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From: Tony Kennick
Subject: Re: [] Cooking Hacks
Date: 11:02 on 13 Oct 2005
On Thu, Oct 13, 2005 at 10:42:57AM +0100,
the following was promulgated by Simon Wistow:

> I recently returned from forn parts (Montreal for those that care. 
> Verdict - like good bits from Paris and New York with the formers
> delicious food and the latters healthy regard to smoked meats, Jewish
> cusine and large sandwiches. And no Starbucks that I noticed.) 
> For reasons unknown I was on the Sat-Sun Redeye and, as such, I spent 
> Sunday reeling like a Zombie and Sunday nigth I scarfed some Melatonin 
> and slept the sleep of someone having strange nightmares.
> Oddly enough this, for some reason, gave me the idea to pitch a book to 
> O'Reilly entitled "Cooking Hacks".
> The point of it would be to present cooking as being very much like 
> hacking on code - you can cargo cult from recipes but it's better to 
> understand why you're doing stuff, There's More Than One Way To Do It, 
> etc etc. 
> This is clearly a dumb and stupid idea and yet ... I'm finding it 
> strangely compelling. I quite like the idea of a programmer orientated 
> cook book in the pseduo-style of Learning Perl et al, with little side 
> bars for tips'n'tricks such as "If your dish is too salty then you can 
> add milk", "whisk some butter into a sauce to make it glossy", "if 
> you've got no sour cream add lemon juice and baking soda to normal 
> cream", "to get griddle marks simply ..."
> Am I crack fuelled? Does this tickle any one else's fancy? Would any
> body else like to work on it? Any idea to put in a pitch document?

That is a fabulous idea, you can start with some building block
techniques, move on to some "advanced" topics then have the experts
hints and tips and probably the most useful section "troubleshooting"
all the ways of dealing with the little and not so things that can go

        Tony Kennick
        Digital Prints:

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