Re: [] Very lazy eggs benedict

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From: Simon Batistoni
Subject: Re: [] Very lazy eggs benedict
Date: 01:17 on 31 Jan 2006
On 30/01/06 10:20 +0000, Nik Clayton wrote:
> Saw a variation of this in a recent magazine, and it works so well that I 
> thought I'd share.
> One of the things I've never been able to cook properly are poached eggs. 
> No matter what I do they never come out as anything other than an 
> illdefined mess.  They don't always taste that bad, but they never look 
> especially appetising.

I actually went through a couple of dozen eggs last autumn
experimenting with different ways of poaching eggs, since I'd always
had a problem with them too.

I even tried every method on this rather good b3ta page:

The best method I found was as follows (this works for 2 eggs at a time):

1) add about a tablespoon of vinegar to 3 cups (=~ 750 ml) water in a
medium saucepan. The vinegar helps the eggs to keep their shape in the
water. Once I finish "On Food and Cooking", I may even be able to
explain why...

2) bring the water to a boil, then turn the heat right down (so that
it's below a simmer)

3) break one of the eggs into a mug.

4) tilting the mug at about 45 degrees, dip it into the water so that
it starts flowing over the edge of the cup. Once the egg inside is
suspended in the water, tip gently so that the egg flows into the

5) Repeat for the second egg.

6) Leave for (don't have my notes here, so I'm not sure, but I
think...) 5 minutes, or until the egg white has solidified.

7) Remove the eggs with a slotted spoon, allowing as much water as
possible to run off/evaporate.

8) Serve.

You could probably do more eggs at once in more water.

The real key is that the eggs should be as fresh as possible - if you
stole them from a hen's nest whilst waiting for the water to boil, all
the better.

It took a couple of goes to get really happy with this method, but it
works well for me now. And for reasons I don't fully understand, being
able to properly poach an egg is disproportionately impressive to
people. Which is nice...

Generated at 00:00 on 01 Feb 2006 by mariachi 0.41