Re: [] Scrambled eggs and allied trades

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From: Simon Wistow
Subject: Re: [] Scrambled eggs and allied trades
Date: 13:09 on 31 Jan 2006
On Tue, Jan 31, 2006 at 01:02:58PM +0000, Nigel Rantor said:
> 10/10 for the story, but quite frankly, so what to the recipe? apart 
> from the cream that's how you're bloody well supposed to make eggs! (or 
> at least the method I learnt from my mum)

See, I know of at least 3 different ways.

1. The way espoused above which, to my knowledge, is the least common. 
   Although that might be Northern Hemisphere bias.

2. Fried hard in a pan.
   This is most common in Merka as far as I know and is the easiest 
   because it's the hardest to mess up. Probably the best for things 
   like huevos rancheros etc etc

3. Tip whole lot into saucepan on low heat.
   I'd wager this is the most common in the northern hemispher (or at 
   least the UK). Tricky because it's easy to over cook and get watery 
   eggs. The trick seems to be to stireslowly and continuously and take 
   the eggs off before they're finally set.

Generated at 00:00 on 01 Feb 2006 by mariachi 0.41