Re: [] 3 recipes for valentine's day

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From: Juliet Kemp
Subject: Re: [] 3 recipes for valentine's day
Date: 10:12 on 16 Feb 2006
On Wed, Feb 15, 2006 at 06:09:06PM +0000, Simon Wistow wrote:
> Dessert - Raspberry wacky cake
> -----------------------------------------------

Ooh, vegan cake!

> A brief taste this morning confirmed that it was still a little bit too
> gooey in the middle and there was a slight taste of flour which is, I
> presume because it wasn't cooked at a high enough temperature. I don't 
> know if it was because of this or the slight lack of cocoa but it wasn't 
> really chocolatey enough for me either. Didn't taste any raspberrys.

My experience with chocolate cakes is that if you really want it
chocolatey you pretty much have to use Actual Chocolate.  Although I
suspect that just substituting the cocoa with real chocolate would screw
up the dry ingredients proportions...  Possibly worth trying a straight
substitution first though to see what happens.  

I am tempted to give this a go at the weekend :-)


Generated at 00:06 on 18 Feb 2006 by mariachi 0.41