Re: [] Online ordering (was: Local goose master)

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From: Nik Clayton
Subject: Re: [] Online ordering (was: Local goose master)
Date: 11:40 on 17 Mar 2006
Rev Simon Rumble wrote:
> On 17/3/2006, "Nik Clayton" <> wrote:
>> On a ~ GBP 90 order, which is about typical for this house for a week,
> Lordy, how many people in the house?

4.  Two adults, a 12 year-old and an 8 year-old.  That doesn't include 
the 15 quid every other week for a River Nene veg box, or the 40-50 quid 
a fortnight at the nearest decent butcher.

We tend to buy organic where possible, and wheat free due to a couple of 
intolerences in the house which pushes the price up.  And a couple of 
decent bottles of wine easily adds another 15-20 quid at least.


There's stuff above here

Generated at 00:00 on 23 Mar 2006 by mariachi 0.41