Re: [] Aubergine

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From: Simon Wistow
Subject: Re: [] Aubergine
Date: 09:30 on 26 Apr 2006
On Tue, Apr 25, 2006 at 09:49:40PM +0100, salvo said:
> Simply slice lengthways (about 2 coins thick - you don't have to be to anal)
> and grill under medium till both sides a little charred but not burnt. Don't
> bother with salting etc. beforehand.

See also the Aubergine Parmagiano recipe I posted a while back which 
used grilled and marinaded Aubergines like these.

You can also make Baba ghannuge - cut the aubergines in half, drizzle
with Olive oil and roast them in a hot oven 9200 c for about 20-30
minutes until tender). Scoop out the flesh and puree it up with
(potentially roasted for a smoother flavour) garlic, tahini and lemon 
juice or other Mediterranean flavours (coriander leaves, flat leaf 
parsley, harissa etc etc).

One of my favourites is to cube Aubergines (about 1" cubes) stir-fried 
with either chicken or tofu and then mixed with a Szechuan sauce. When I 
had some Szechaun peppercorns I also made slat-and-pepper Aubergine 
cubes which were lovely.

On the subjetc of sweating or not sweating the aubergine Nicholas Clee 
wrote a great book on what works in cooking and why called Don't Sweat 
the Aubergine.

There's stuff above here

Generated at 00:00 on 08 Jun 2006 by mariachi 0.41