Re: [] Aubergine

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From: James Bywater
Subject: Re: [] Aubergine
Date: 17:03 on 26 Apr 2006
On 26 Apr 2006, at 0930, Simon Wistow wrote:
> You can also make Baba ghannuge - cut the aubergines in half, drizzle
> with Olive oil and roast them in a hot oven 9200 c for about 20-30
> minutes until tender). Scoop out the flesh and puree it up with
> (potentially roasted for a smoother flavour) garlic, tahini and lemon
> juice or other Mediterranean flavours (coriander leaves, flat leaf
> parsley, harissa etc etc).

I recently discovered Harissa in my local Tesco, and I remembered =20
seeing it mentioned in a Nigel Slater book (and thinking "what the =20
hell's harissa?") so I bought it. The recipe was delicious, so here =20
it is:

Serves 2

3 Large Tomatoes
a small Aubergine
olive oil
25ml red wine vinegar
1/2 tsp cumin seeds
1 400g tin chickpeas
6 large basil leaves
thin slices prosciutto or serrano ham
1/2 - 1 tsp harissa
more olive oil

Set the oven @ 200=BAC
Cut the tomatoes into 6 pieces each and put them into a roasting tin
Cut the aubergine into "chunks" and put them into the tin
add plenty of olive oil, the vinegar, cumin seeds, and a generous =20
grind of black pepper and sea salt
Roast for about an hour

At this point it's already good enough to eat, but bear with Nige =20
because it gets better:

Lift the aubergines and tomatoes into a mixing bowl with a draining =20
spoon, leaving the juices behind in the tin.
Mix the drained chickpeas with the tomatoes and aubergines (I boiled =20
my chickpeas first to make them a little softer and hot).
Make a dressing by stirring the harissa and a little more oil into =20
the roasting juices, and pour it in with the toms/chickpeas/=20
aubergine, leaving a thin film of dressing in the roasting tin.
Add the basil leaves (whole) into the mixing bowl and give it a stir.
Add the ham to the roasting dish and heat on the stove until the ham =20
is a little crisp. Lay the slices of ham on top of the salad when you =20=

serve it.

I actually served the whole lot on top of a bed of salad leaves, to =20
make it look a bit healthier than it really is. It was delicious, and =20=

really not difficult at all to make.


There's stuff above here

Generated at 00:00 on 08 Jun 2006 by mariachi 0.41