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Re: ::scr long waffley post about consciousness

On Mon, Apr 08, 2002 at 04:00:43PM +0100, Richard Clamp said:
> Should we be calling for an adjudication here?

Sorry, the management has been taking pictures of penguins, planning
world domination via subliminal advertising on poster hordings and
writing stuff in binary. All of this is true and is all liable to bring
about grumpiness.

The management was happy to let the thread continue since it started off
at least vaguely mentioning AI and, in the words of a much earlier post:

"The thing is inspiration comes from the strangest places, that's why
it's inspiration.  As a handy example, the 'batch' thread.

I scanned the start as: you'll answer any question, so answer this.
An answer.  Then gets thrown in "I don't know how you freaks can learn
that stuff" then *boom*, one seriously on-topic thread."

                                                 - Richard Clamp 

On the other hand The Management has been reading a copy of The Guardian
left lying around in the office and has been overwhelmed with feelings
of "being nice to people" and so has decided to make the following
judgement ...

After deliberation, digestion and cogitation the prize is awarded to the
Norwegian team, but, there are ponies and lollypops for everybody. Now
shake hands, make up and go outside and play. Scooch. Go on. I don't
want you cluttering up my kitchen. And don't you dare get your clothes
dirty before dinner ....

little dears. They grow up so fast. [WIPES TEAR FROM EYE]

: square failure, cubic wildcard