Re: [] Cooking bacon in advance

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From: David Cantrell
Subject: Re: [] Cooking bacon in advance
Date: 20:07 on 18 Aug 2003
Kate L Pugh wrote:
> Say I cooked some bacon tonight, to put in a croissant to take for
> breakfast tomorrow, would it still taste nice at 7am tomorrow?


>                                                                Bonus
> points if you answer within 2 hours of me sending this (for then I am
> going to bed).  What would be the best way to cook it?  I like it
> cooked as little as possible.  I hear you can do it in the microwave.
> Would it be better to wait and just zap a slice for 30 seconds
> tomorrow morning?

I prefer my bacon grilled.  I give it no more than a couple of minutes 
on each side.  But it has to be freshly cooked.

David Cantrell |  Degenerate  |

     I often think that if we Brits had any gratitude in our hearts, we
     would put up a statue to Heinz Guderian - who probably saved us from
     ruin by booting our Army off the continent before we could do
     ourselves real harm.
        -- Mike Stone, in soc.history.what-if

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