Re: [] Marrows

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From: Juliet Kemp
Subject: Re: [] Marrows
Date: 10:39 on 15 Sep 2003
On Mon, Sep 15, 2003 at 09:20:15AM +0100, Martin Frost wrote:
> Juliet Kemp wrote:
> > The nice organic delivery people have delivered us some marrows.
> > But there's still another one to use up.
> > Anyone have any (vegan) suggestions?
> You could turn it into a curry. I once found a recipe for marrow
> curry in a book and it was very nice (though I did make it with
> large courgettes rather than marrows).

Ooh.  Curry is a good plan.  I like curry, & Pete makes very good curry.  

> Alternatively, you can make a sauce of some kind and serve it
> on top of a pile of steamed marrow chunks.

We've got a lot of tomatos currently as well, so that might be a plan.  

> I suppose it depends on why you don't like marrows. Is the taste
> or the texture?

The taste - in that they don't seem to *have* all that much taste.  Just
a bit bland, really.  Curry might be one of the better bets.

Kake - I did find that marrow & ginger recipe, but it seemed like quite
a lot of kerfuffle for something which I strongly suspect we'd not use
very much.  Veg soup might be a plan, though.


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