RE: [] Fish stew

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From: Wistow, Kay
Subject: RE: [] Fish stew
Date: 08:05 on 13 Oct 2003
The maximum recommended length of time to keep fish frozen is 3 months,
however whether this applies to fish stock I am unsure.  Flesh breaks down
and fish becomes bitter in flavour. I would  imagine the same rule should be
applied to fish stock.


-----Original Message-----
From: Kate L Pugh [mailto:kake@xxxxx.xx]
Sent: 11 October 2003 07:35
Subject: Re: [] Fish stew

On Mon 06 Oct 2003, "Wistow, Kay" <> wrote:
> Don't cut your fish too small and don't over cook the fish; use a good
> quality stock to enhance flavour and add fish late in the cooking.

Thanks Kay.  I have some fish stock in the freezer.  It's about four
months old though - how long does fish stock keep frozen?  The list
archives say I made it at the end of May, from trout bits.


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