Re: [] Fish stew

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From: Kate L Pugh
Subject: Re: [] Fish stew
Date: 09:19 on 16 Oct 2003
On Tue 14 Oct 2003, Robert / Elizabeth Fusina <> wrote:
> Sumak Mah Batattas (Fish with Potatoes) (Unsure of the origin, but it 
> is in pidgin English, so...)

Thanks again.  Your first recipe was so successful that I decided to
try this one too.  I made it last night for me and four other people.
I used about 1.5kg of potatoes, and three of my 1lb fish packs (only
25 left to go!) - haddock.  I used passata instead of the tomato
sauce, and was pretty sparing with it since I didn't want the
"everything tastes of tomatoes" student food syndrome.

> [...] add water to cover everything [...]

I was suspicious of this step; it seemed like an awful lot of water.
Besides, the only thing I had big enough to fit all this food in
didn't have a very deep lip.  So I just poured some in - and poured it
round the edges so as not to wash off the butter and passata.  After
two hours there was still an awful lot of water left, but we were
still eating carrot sticks and dips and things at that point, so I
turned the oven down very low and just left it.  Er.  I have no idea
how long.  An hour or so?  There was wine.  I can't remember.  Anyway,
when I took it out the water had gone somewhere.

It was very good.  I took the whole tray in and let people admire it
and then serve themselves.  I served it with plain steamed green beans.


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