RE: [] Fish stew

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From: Wistow, Kay
Subject: RE: [] Fish stew
Date: 07:59 on 15 Oct 2003
Yes, it does freeze, however trick is to undercook.  tendency for flesh to
breakdown and you end up with fish paste/mush.  Again, no longer than 3


-----Original Message-----
From: Kate L Pugh [mailto:kake@xxxxx.xx]
Sent: 14 October 2003 19:14
Subject: Re: [] Fish stew

On Tue, 14 Oct 2003 09:26:19 +0100, Kate L Pugh wrote:
>> Oh dear.  I have 28lb of fish that needs eating in the next 2 1/2
>> months, then.

On Tue 14 Oct 2003, Natalie Ford <> wrote:
> Surely you can cook and then re-freeze it?

Now that's a plan.  Can I?  Does cooked fish freeze well?


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