Re: [] Chilli

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From: Martin Frost
Subject: Re: [] Chilli
Date: 20:30 on 26 Nov 2003
Kate L Pugh wrote:
> What do you put in chilli?  Meat chilli or veggie chilli.

Personally, in approximate descending order of bulk:

	tinned tomatoes
	ground cumin
	cocoa powder
	oregano (preferably one of the more robustly flavoured varieties)
	reconstituted dried chilli

I would probably wash out the tomato tins with water into the pot
to provide enough liquid while it cooks.

This is a base. I frequently add other things as the fancy takes me.
In particular, finely chopped pickled jalapenos work well, or you
can scatter those over the top at serving time.

I add a teaspoon or so of sugar if the chilli or cocoa makes it bitter.

> I won't make chilli without paprika.  I'll make it without chilli if I
> absolutely have to, but paprika is a must.  There are about 3
> tablespoons in this one; that's one per person.  I generally keep
> adding paprika until it looks red (this is before the tomatoes go in).

I do sometimes add paprika, but I regard it as less important than
the cumin and cocoa. I prefer to use more of milder chillis.

I usually use at least a teaspoon of cumin per serving, and probably
more, and a similar or slightly smaller amount of cocoa.


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