Re: [] Buttermilk and other stuff

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From: Martin Frost
Subject: Re: [] Buttermilk and other stuff
Date: 12:12 on 16 Feb 2004
Jakob Whitfield wrote:

> And finally, please help me jazz up my couscous. I've tried various
> things, e.g. lemon and garlic, but it always seems to come out really
> bland...

Two things. Firstly, don't overcook it: you want a bit of bite left.
Secondly, use lots of whatever flavouring elements you choose. Lemon
and garlic both work well, but you do need quite a lot, especially of
the garlic. Think less in terms of cloves and more in terms of a bulb.

Some finely chopped parsley stirred through after cooking helps as well.

One general tip is to chop the flavouring very finely, especially with
herbs, so that you do get a bit of the flavouring itself in each mouthful.
Couscous seems able to soak up large amounts of flavour without the taste
permeating through, and a way to counter this is to disperse it better.


Generated at 23:10 on 26 Feb 2004 by mariachi 0.41