Re: [] Baked potatoes

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From: Tom Sulston
Subject: Re: [] Baked potatoes
Date: 18:56 on 06 May 2004
On May 05, 2004, at 09:52, Martin Frost wrote:

>> Favourite baked potato fillings?  Especially unusual ones.
> Saut=E9ed leeks, smoked peppered mackerel and horseradish sauce.
> Would be even better with real grated horseradish (rather than
> sauce), but that's almost impossible to find.

You can buy grated horseradish in Sainsers. In a squareish jar, with a=20=

blue oval label IIRC...

Which is almost real. :-)

Tom Sulston
+44 77 99 89 80 44

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