Re: [] Baked potatoes

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From: Joel Bernstein
Subject: Re: [] Baked potatoes
Date: 11:27 on 06 May 2004
On Thu, May 06, 2004 at 11:25:46AM +0100, Martin Frost wrote:
> Joel Bernstein wrote:
> >Jewish shops, certainly. If you can get near Golders Green or Stamford
> >Hill around passover it's very easy to find. That said, it's basically a
> >weed, and *incredibly* easy to grow - stick a chunky root in the ground,
> >remember where you sowed it, and dig it up in a year's time...
> So the plan should actually be to buy some around Passover and then plant
> them to be dug up when necessary...

Indeed. I shall see if my parents still have any growing in their
garden. If so, I'm sure I could be persuaded to bring a bagfull to an or similar meet.


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