Re: [] Cold snack food

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From: Juliet Kemp
Subject: Re: [] Cold snack food
Date: 10:29 on 15 Jun 2004
On Mon, Jun 14, 2004 at 11:45:51PM +0100, Roger Burton West wrote:
> I'm having some friends over this coming weekend, and while the
> long-range forecast promises thunder and lightning in London I don't
> want to be committed to serving hot food if it's as warm as it was
> today. What are some thoughts on good cold dishes that are easy to
> prepare? (Bearing in mind I'm very lazy.)

Had mine & Pete's families over for lunch on Sunday, & we went mostly
for cold things (on the grounds that it was easier, mostly):

Potato salad (new potatoes, with oil & vinegar rather than mayo, as I'm 
vegan, and chives from the garden)
Pasta salad (pasta, borlotti beans, red pepper, mushrooms, spring onion,
oil, vinegar, salt, pepper)
Greek salad (feta, olives, tomatoes)
Green salad (various leaves/lettucey things)
Hummous and salsa, with bread and sliced carrot, pepper, celery, and
spring onion for dipping in
Slow-roasted red peppers - see
(was v nice, but in our oven only needed about an hour at that temp -
bits were starting to blacken)
Some nice cheeses

And then we had some fruit, but noone ate much of that as they were
already full.  And we had quite a lot left for lunches this week, as
well :-) 


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