Re: [] Microwaves (was Re: Steaming vegetables)

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From: Nigel Rantor
Subject: Re: [] Microwaves (was Re: Steaming vegetables)
Date: 15:51 on 17 Aug 2004
James Bywater wrote:
>> I do an odd simulcra of poached eggs in a microwave - get a cup and 
>> butter it, crack the egg in and cook for about 40 seconds. Easy 
>> poached egg. Ok, so they're a weird mix between fried and poached egg 
>> but they're pretty good on toast.
> Actually, I make the same thing, if I'm in a rush in the morning. I then 
> stick it in a toasted "english muffin" and put a slice of cheese in, 
> some salt and pepper, and it's a non-McMuffin.

So, I hadn't had lunch yet and was hungry.

The above appealed to me and I thought I'd make a couple with a cuppa...

1) Went and bought some eggs from the shop, medium organic ones.

2) Tried 'poaching' in the micro on 600W for 40 about 38 secs 
the egg exploded violently.

3) Cleaned microwave.

4) Tried 'poaching' another egg but for 20 secs, leave it a bit and then 
for another 20 secs..the egg exploded at about 40 secs.

5) Made exploded egg McMuffin with turkey ham, not bad at all.

6) Cleaned microowave.

7) Tried 'poaching' egg again, starting with 30 secs, then 10 sec bursts 
until it was done enough.

8) Made another McMuffin with turkey ham.

9) Yum.

The moral to my story seems to be that you might have to experiment with 
the times because not enough juice just gives you an uncokked egg while 
too much too quickly can make then explode.


*munch munch*

There's stuff above here

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