Re: [] Microwaves (was Re: Steaming vegetables)

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From: Marna Gilligan
Subject: Re: [] Microwaves (was Re: Steaming vegetables)
Date: 12:52 on 17 Aug 2004
On Tue, 17 Aug 2004, Roger Burton West wrote:

> I find it quite odd that most of the information I've found about
> microwave cooking assumes that one will be using it for everything. IME
> there are jobs it does well and others it does badly; it's great for
> reheating a single dish, steaming veg, baking potatoes and so on, but a 
> gas hob is much better for general saucepan-work and thawing-to-hot, 
> and I still use the oven for things that are best in that. Is the
> Cooking Establishment still pretending they don't exist?

I will acknowledge that they're useful for reheating plates of food, and
I've used them in then past for softening butter for baking, too. But when
I've had veg from a microwave it's been horribly soggy - and *differently*
horribly soggy to other overcooked veg - but this might have just been
the person wielding the timer at fault. I really don't like microwaved
baked potatoes - the skin has the wrong texture so I don't want to eat it,
and the skin is the best bit of a baked potato.

I think there are too many Bad & Wrong things done with microwaves and
this also biases me. Microwaved scrambled eggs - one of the most terrible
things in the universe.


There's stuff above here

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