Re: [] Microwaves (was Re: Steaming vegetables)

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From: Nigel Rantor
Subject: Re: [] Microwaves (was Re: Steaming vegetables)
Date: 12:55 on 17 Aug 2004
Roger Burton West wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 17, 2004 at 12:28:38PM +0100, Marna Gilligan wrote:
>>I have no clue about microwaving veggies, though. I have not a microwave
>>and I think they are EFIL. So I've not answered your question at all, and
>>have just been rambling incoherently about steaming things.
> Fair enough. You won't want to read this then.
> I find it quite odd that most of the information I've found about
> microwave cooking assumes that one will be using it for everything. IME
> there are jobs it does well and others it does badly; it's great for
> reheating a single dish, steaming veg, baking potatoes and so on, but a 
> gas hob is much better for general saucepan-work and thawing-to-hot, 
> and I still use the oven for things that are best in that. Is the
> Cooking Establishment still pretending they don't exist?

Dunno, but I didn't have one for quite some time and so I am now kind of 
blind to them[0].

I have one again in the kitchen but just forget it's there, I don't know 
of anything they're great at.

I have tried it recently for reheating and found it quite spotty and 
unsatisfactory (yes, it has a turntable, and it's a brand new Neff which 
I'm told is quite good).

I don't really care one way or 'tother, as I say, just kind of blind to 
them and haven't been told by anyone that they're worth the 
bother...especially since reheating in a pan takes just about as long 
once you get it even in a micro.


[0] All disclaimers regarding this being only my particular experience 
rather than the distilled wisdom of the Microwave Elder's apply.

There's stuff above here

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