Re: [] Chicken soup

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From: Kake L Pugh
Subject: Re: [] Chicken soup
Date: 11:00 on 16 Dec 2004
On Wed 15 Dec 2004, Kake L Pugh <kake@xxxxx.xx> wrote:
> I have a pan of overcooked Puy lentils in water (ie not drainable -
> the insides have come out into the water) and 225g of "chicken thigh
> fillets".

Here's what I did.

Added a handful of fresh sage and some squeezy garlic to the lentils
and water, cooked it down a bit more, removed the sage, whizzed the
lentils with the blender.

Roasted the chicken, chopped it, added it to the lentils.

Cut a small onion into wedges, roasted it in the chicken fat left in
the baking tray.  Cut a courgette into cubes, added that to the onion
after it had started to go soft.  Roasted all that until browned.
Added it to the soup.

Simmered the soup for about 10 minutes to blend the flavours.

Very tasty.


Generated at 00:01 on 21 Dec 2004 by mariachi 0.41