Re: [] Easy cakes to make in bulk?

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From: Joel Bernstein
Subject: Re: [] Easy cakes to make in bulk?
Date: 16:28 on 18 Jul 2005
On Mon, Jul 18, 2005 at 03:35:48PM +0100, Rev Simon Rumble wrote:
> This tradition of bringing in cakes on your birthday is a little new for
> us Aussies.  It's mine later this week and I really don't like the
> Tesco Economy fake-cream swiss rolls everyone tends to bring in.  Nor do
> I want to spend thousands on Harrod's deliciousness.

You're kidding, right? I've never heard of such a thing. Doesn't the
_company_ buy the cake? Seems absurd to require YOU to pay to supply
your colleagues with cake.

But anyway. 

> So can anyone recommend a cake recipe that works well when made in bulk? 
> Something that holds together is probably necessary, as I need to
> transport it into work.

Something of the "victoria sandwich" variety perhaps? ie a couple of
thin plain sponge cakes with tasty jam in the middle and some icing
sugar on top? Not so fiddly that you'll kick yourself for deciding to
cater for lots of people, difficult to mess up, pretty quick, ...

Do you need a simple sponge cake recipe? I do such things by eye but I'm
sure I could dig one out.

> I was thinking of making biscuits instead, but cake would be nicer.

I generally find that biscuits are more work. YMMV.


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