Re: [] Steak Cooking

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From: Bob Walker
Subject: Re: [] Steak Cooking
Date: 15:45 on 23 Aug 2005
On Tue, 23 Aug 2005, Nigel Rantor wrote:

> I love steak. I haven't ever really cooked it though, but I'd like to. So, 
> what am I going to have o do to get a nicely done steak eh?

What do you consider nice rare, well done or somewhere in between?

> I'm thinking of something like a sinple steak salad, some green leaves with 
> perhaps some tomatoes and cucumber as a nice fresh bed with a decently cooked 
> steak sliced up on top of it and dressed in something simple...

Steak is best on its own. imho. you can other things with it but messign 
with e steak itself will alwayts lead to badness. ( Although steak tartar 
is fine)

> I still need some anecdotes for the cooking of the meaty-meat though...I have 
> a griddle pan that has served me well in the past, so I'm looking for tips on 
> what to buy and how to cook.

the main thing is heat. lots of it. You want to sear the outside of the 
steak cause thats where all the nasty stuff possibly is.
I cook steak by whacking a frying or griddle pan on high heat and wait 
till its smoking.
Take the steak season with pepper and salt if you like. Throw it into the 
pan cook one side for about 1 minute. flip cook the other side for a 
minute. your steak is done. prefably served onto a warm plate so it doesnt 
lose its heat. This should have seared the outside and heated the middle 
and should produce a rare steak. obvioulsy cook longer if you like it 
other ways.

As for what type of steak. Filet steak is always good. Sirloin is the next 
best. Rump is fine if you dont want to speand lots of money. I prefer my 
steaks about an inch thick so you get lots of rare flesh.

  one day I  want to  try a kobe beef steak. which is supposedly the 
Bob Walker
Very few things dont taste good once deep fried.

Generated at 00:12 on 25 Aug 2005 by mariachi 0.41