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Re: ::scr Towards a better text editor

On 01/10/01 12:20 +0100, Richard Clamp wrote:
> [Greg:]
> > I'm not going to debate editor vs. editor here, its a dull conversation,
> > bad simon for making this the first thread
> True, and I should know better too, but it does get it done and out of
> the way.  In future we'll be able to point back at the archives and
> say "behold the wisdom of Greg", and "we did the editor thing already,
> and no-one won, again"

Erm. I was hoping that this could be something a bit more
constructive than the usual "editor thing". Okay, so maybe there are
no better ways of doing an editor, but what Simon was trying to say
(and I concur) is that nothing available seems quite right to him,
and is there a better way of doing a new editor from scratch?

If you look at the spread of (Li|U)nix editors (as you've already
pointed out, Richard), most of them seem to be descended from either
emacs or vi, which means there are really only two distinct ways of
doing things which have been explored. I suppose with the advent of
Gnome/KDE, people are trying to reinvent Wordpad for Linux desktops,
but let's not even go there.

Imagine that all the code and all the binaries for every editor in
the world was just deleted by a mad uber-genius using a devastating
cyber-bomb[0]. How would you build the perfect replacement?

[0] - Yes, his machine *was* running MovieOS...


Simon Batistoni            Penseroso Ltd
simon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx     +44 20 7242 0570