Re: [] Marrows

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From: Kate L Pugh
Subject: Re: [] Marrows
Date: 21:54 on 14 Sep 2003
On Sun 14 Sep 2003, Juliet Kemp <juliet@xxxxx.xx> wrote:

> The nice organic delivery people have delivered us some marrows.
> Unfortunately, neither Pete nor I are desperately keen on marrows.
> [...] Anyone have any (vegan) suggestions?

None of these are tested.  They are in descending order of sensibleness.

 - use it as bulk in a vegetable soup
 - try it in a "zucchini bread" or "zucchini brownies" recipe
   (waterier than courgettes though so may not work)
 - see if it tastes any better raw
 - make marrow rum

Leon has two instances of a ginger marrow preserve recipe on his site:


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