Re: [] Oven temperatures (was Re: Fish stew)

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From: Ivor Williams
Subject: Re: [] Oven temperatures (was Re: Fish stew)
Date: 12:13 on 12 Oct 2003
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Roger Burton West" <>
To: <>
Sent: 12 October 2003 10:59
Subject: [] Oven temperatures (was Re: Fish stew)

> On Sat, Oct 11, 2003 at 09:58:22AM -0400, Robert / Elizabeth Fusina wrote:
> >Preheat oven to 350F.
> Ooh, this gives me an excuse to post my Famous Temperature Conversion
> Table:
> +--------++----------+------------++---------+----------+---------+
> | Regulo || Celsius  | Fahrenheit || Kelvin  | Reaumur  | Rankine |
> +--------++----------+------------++---------+----------+---------+
> +--------++----------+------------++---------+----------+---------+
> |   1    ||   135    |    275     ||  408    |   108    |   735   |
> +--------++----------+------------++---------+----------+---------+
> |   2    ||   149    |    300     ||  422    |   119    |   760   |
> +--------++----------+------------++---------+----------+---------+
> |   3    ||   163    |    325     ||  436    |   130    |   785   |
> +--------++----------+------------++---------+----------+---------+
> |   4    ||   177    |    350     ||  450    |   142    |   810   |
> +--------++----------+------------++---------+----------+---------+
> |   5    ||   191    |    375     ||  464    |   153    |   835   |
> +--------++----------+------------++---------+----------+---------+
> |   6    ||   204    |    400     ||  477    |   163    |   859   |
> +--------++----------+------------++---------+----------+---------+
> |   7    ||   218    |    425     ||  491    |   174    |   884   |
> +--------++----------+------------++---------+----------+---------+
> |   8    ||   232    |    450     ||  505    |   186    |   909   |
> +--------++----------+------------++---------+----------+---------+
> |   9    ||   246    |    475     ||  519    |   197    |   934   |
> +--------++----------+------------++---------+----------+---------+
> |   10   ||   260    |    500     ||  533    |   208    |   960   |
> +--------++----------+------------++---------+----------+---------+

You could always add Boltzmann on as well. This is a temperature scale where Boltzmann's Constant is 1.

There's stuff above here

Generated at 10:45 on 03 Jan 2004 by mariachi 0.41