Re: [] Oven temperatures (was Re: Fish stew)

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From: David Cantrell
Subject: Re: [] Oven temperatures (was Re: Fish stew)
Date: 11:23 on 12 Oct 2003
Roger Burton West wrote:

> Ooh, this gives me an excuse to post my Famous Temperature Conversion
> Table:
> +--------++----------+------------++---------+----------+---------+
> | Regulo || Celsius  | Fahrenheit || Kelvin  | Reaumur  | Rankine |
> +--------++----------+------------++---------+----------+---------+
> You're very unlikely to see any of the last three columns - though after
> I posted this elsewhere I was contacted by a lady who does have an oven
> marked in Reaumur degrees!

I use a thermometer marked in Celsius and Kelvin when brewing beer. 
Having both is pretty redundant seeing that the conversion is so 
trivial.  If I could find one marked in Kelvin and Fahrenheit I'd be a 
very happy Dave indeed.

David Cantrell |

   being Evil is no excuse for indenting like a moonshine-crazed lemur
         -- Aaron Trevena

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