RE: [] Chr*stm*s d*nn*r

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From: Emily Dubberley
Subject: RE: [] Chr*stm*s d*nn*r
Date: 10:00 on 18 Nov 2003
>The meat, I have now found out, will be lamb with apricots.

Stuffed onions are great with lamb (or most other roasts) Just core the
onion, finely chop the onion core you've removed, add garlic, breadcrumbs,
butter (*lots* of butter), herbs (sage or rosemary are particularly good)
and stuff it back inside the onion. Also works with good sausagemeat. I'd do
two batches, one non-veggie load to be cooked in the same pan as the lamb,
but that's just cos I think they taste way better with all the meat juices
- and add a nice flavour to the gravy.

>Thanks for the carrot recipes, but I'm really not fussed on the things

If you don't like carrots, pureeing them with swede, butter, cream and
parmesan masks the taste.

> Of course there will be sprouts.  I'm not sure whether to serve them
> plain as well, since they are very nice like that, or to have them in
> some kind of sauce.  My brain keeps saying "hazelnut sauce" but I'm
> not sure why.

Whole chestuts are a traditional accompaniment for sprouts - and very
particularly if you throw in some crispy pancetta or bacon lardons too. Not
how a chestnut sauce would work but could be worth a try. Stir-fried sprouts
ginger, soy and sesame oil are nice but possibly better as a Boxing Day
(As is the Nigella recipe of boiled Frenxh beans, marinated in Balsalmic,
garlic and
olive oil, then wrapped in parma ham)

For special occasions, potato dauphenoise but with slivers of truffle,
or truffle oil, along with the cream and onions is wonderfully decadent.

There's stuff above here

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