Re: [] Chr*stm*s d*nn*r

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From: Tom Sulston
Subject: Re: [] Chr*stm*s d*nn*r
Date: 10:25 on 18 Nov 2003
On Tuesday, Nov 18, 2003, at 09:42 Europe/London, Kate L Pugh wrote:

> will only make this worse) and since - practically speaking - some of
> the vegetables will need to be served plain from the steamer, they get
> to be it.

If you throw a couple of cracked cardamoms and some whole cumin into 
the steamer, they'll give the carrots a really nice aroma, without 
being too much of a flavour hit. (It's important to use alliterative 
ingredients, doncherknow...)

And if you've got lamb with apricots, that's a fantastic excuse to do 
something with sumac, which'll give it a sharp, tangy lift. Although 
I'm not sure how you'd squeeze it in there.

As for other veggies:  Maybe some cracked wheat with lemon juice, which 
could also go in the steamer. Lamb 'n' apricots is a bit of a North 
African thing, so it'd give you some consistency there...

Tom Sulston
+44 77 99 89 80 44

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