Re: [] Chr*stm*s d*nn*r

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From: Eemeli Aro
Subject: Re: [] Chr*stm*s d*nn*r
Date: 11:36 on 18 Nov 2003
How about ovenating some tomatoes? These you can prepare beforehand and 
make into a salad of sorts, in case you need the ovenspace for something 
different. On the other hand, they don't seem to suffer much from 
re-heating either. In my experience, there never seem to be quite enough 
of them either...

The way I do them is really rather simple. If I'm feeling picky, I'll 
peel the tomatoes beforehand, but that has more effect on their look 
than anything else. Then cut the tomatoes in half, spread them on a tin 
(or whatever flat surface you've got that fits in the oven) with the cut 
sides facing up. Now make a sort of marinade for them from olive oil, 
balsamic vinegar, salt, black pepper, garlic, and any herbs that you 
think might fit in -- basil and oregano are to me at least the obvious 
choices -- and spread this on top of the tomato halves.

Next, leave them in the oven for maybe an hour at 180-200 degrees. 
They're done when the edges and/or tops of the tomato halves start to 
turn black. The temperature doesn't seem to be too important a factor, 
so they're happy to share the space with anything else that you need the 
oven for. They just seem to always take longer than you expect them to take.

These will take maybe five to ten minutes to cool down to an edible 
temperature once you take them from the oven. If you've got any basil 
leaves, putting one on top of every half makes them look (and taste) a 
little nicer. Also adding some olive oil and/or vinegar at this point 
might make sense, depending on how you're feeling and how they taste.

eemeli aro
the carnivorous boyfriend/cook of a vegetarian

Kate L Pugh wrote:

> I am cooking the vegetable portion of a Christmas dinner for eleven
> people, on Saturday.  I will have a four-ring gas hob, a two-tier
> steamer, a microwave, and a small oven/grill.  (The big oven is for
> the meat and roast potatoes, which are being handled by Someone Else.)
> I will have at least one kitchen slave.
> Current plans:
>  - mashed squash with cream
>  - baked leeks with stilton
>  - steamed carrots (I don't like carrots)
> Er, that's as far as I've got, actually.  Has anyone got any really
> fabulous vegetable dishes that I should try out?  I'm still not much
> of a meat-eater really, so I'd like to make the vegetable dishes
> sufficient on their own.  I want to make at least seven of them.
> Kake
> Yes I know, don't make a dish for the first time if it's for company,
> etc, etc, I do it all the time and never had to order in pizza yet.

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