Re: [] Chr*stm*s d*nn*r

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From: Kate L Pugh
Subject: Re: [] Chr*stm*s d*nn*r
Date: 09:42 on 18 Nov 2003
Wow, lots of ideas.  Thanks!

The meat, I have now found out, will be lamb with apricots.

I like the sound of the parsnips with parmesan and the mushrooms with
white wine.  Those will be added to the menu.  Thanks for the carrot
recipes, but I'm really not fussed on the things (making them sweeter
will only make this worse) and since - practically speaking - some of
the vegetables will need to be served plain from the steamer, they get
to be it.

Of course there will be sprouts.  I'm not sure whether to serve them
plain as well, since they are very nice like that, or to have them in
some kind of sauce.  My brain keeps saying "hazelnut sauce" but I'm
not sure why.

Spinach is a good suggestion.  Maybe cabbage instead, or kale.  Some
kind of greens.  Will decide in the shop.

I'm not sure about serving things in tomato sauce - it's a bit
"everyday".  Peppers in tomato sauce are right out, but maybe the


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