Re: [] Useful items

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From: Juliet Kemp
Subject: Re: [] Useful items
Date: 13:48 on 27 Nov 2003
On Wed, Nov 26, 2003 at 09:14:16PM +0000, Marna Gilligan wrote:
> On Wed, 26 Nov 2003, Kate L Pugh wrote:
> What I've been doing more of, though, is mixing shakers and grinders with
> my own combinations of things. Current favourite is home-dried garlic,
> dried rosemary, and sea-salt. I have also, right now, powdered garlic aand
> white pepper and a smidge of chilli and some other bits for dipping tofu
> into pre frying, and ground coriander with some cumin and some ginger and
> some other bits for generic adding to veg, and various other herbish
> combinations. It makes things easier for me if I'm cooking in a hurry (but
> has the side effect of confusting other people because the labels fall off
> too easily.

This does sound like a good idea... 

> Frozen ones? I've tried the fresh ones and found that they taste ok
> (better than the bog-standard dried ones, at any rate) but that they tinge
> everything green. And green mashed tatos or mushroom soup is just *odd*.

I use the little pots (the ones preserved in vinegar) for basil &
coriander, & it's definitely better than dried.  Haven't really noticed
the green tinge, but then the sort of things I usually cook I wouldn't

> But the garlic and the ginger and the lemongrass - eugh! I think they work
> for leafs but nought else. 

I like the squeezy garlic for hummous.  Fresh garlic has a very raw
taste in hummous, I find, unless you leave it overnight.  Squeezy garlic
is also useful as a standby, being better than no garlic.


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