Re: [] Useful items

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From: Marna Gilligan
Subject: Re: [] Useful items
Date: 21:14 on 26 Nov 2003
On Wed, 26 Nov 2003, Kate L Pugh wrote:

> What useful condiments/ingredients have joined your repertoire in the
> last, say, year or so?

Nothing in particular, that I can think of right now, at any rate. I buy
new things at random, but there's been nothing new and essential in my
kitchen for a while. Maybe I'm getting old.... Or maybe I've just not been
cooking the way I used to for the past six months.

What I've been doing more of, though, is mixing shakers and grinders with
my own combinations of things. Current favourite is home-dried garlic,
dried rosemary, and sea-salt. I have also, right now, powdered garlic aand
white pepper and a smidge of chilli and some other bits for dipping tofu
into pre frying, and ground coriander with some cumin and some ginger and
some other bits for generic adding to veg, and various other herbish
combinations. It makes things easier for me if I'm cooking in a hurry (but
has the side effect of confusting other people because the labels fall off
too easily.

> One of mine is definitely the squeezy tubes of chopped fresh herbs
> that you keep in the freezer and use directly from the freezer.  I'm
> always suspicious of the ones that live in the fridge - well, my
> fridge at least - because I can never remember how long it's been
> since I opened them.

Frozen ones? I've tried the fresh ones and found that they taste ok
(better than the bog-standard dried ones, at any rate) but that they tinge
everything green. And green mashed tatos or mushroom soup is just *odd*.

I've not had going-bad issues, because they last for about three dishes,
if you're heavy-handed with the herbs, like I can be. 

But the garlic and the ginger and the lemongrass - eugh! I think they work
for leafs but nought else. 

Where do you get the frozen ones?


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